Bill Progress

Object of the Bill

The Object of this Bill is to; Consolidate laws relating to sexual offences; combat sexual violence; provide for the punichment of perpetrators of sexual offences; provide for procedural and evidential requirements during trial of sexual offences and for other related matters.

Other Attachments

1 Proposed Amendments to the Sexual Offences Bill, 2015. Moved by Hon. Amonding Monica.pdf
Title: Proposed Amendments to the Sexual Offences Bill, 2015.
Author: Hon. Amonding Monica
2 LPA3-21- Report on the Sexual Offences Bill, 2019.pdf
Title: Report on the Sexual Offences Bill, 2019
Author: Parliamentary Committee on Legal and Parliamentary Affairs

The sexual Offences Bill, 2016

Sponsored By Hon. Amoding Monica (Mp, KAMULI MUNICIPALITY)

Committee: The Committee on Legal and Parliamentary Affairs



First Reading/Committee

Bill is still at First Reading, the first reading being the first stage of a Bill passage through the Floor of Parliament and is usually a formality, it takes place without debate, and the first reading of a Bill can occur anytime in a parliamentary session.


Second Reading

Bill is in the second stage. The second reading is the first opportunity for MPs to debate the main principles of the Bill. It usually takes place up to 45 days after the first reading.



Third Reading

Parliament is passing the Bill. The third reading is the final chance for the Members of Parliament to debate the contents of a Bill. Here debate on the Bill is usually short and limited to what is actually in the Bill rather than, as at the second reading, what might have been included.


Presentation/Waiting Assent



Assented by President


Bill passed on 01/01/1970

Bill Withdrawn on 01/01/1970

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Parliament of Uganda