Bill Progress

Object of the Bill

The object of the Bill is—
(a) to give effect to article 154(3) and 163 of the Constitution by providing for the Office of the Auditor General;
(b) to provide for the appointment, tenure and removal of the Auditor General from office;
(c) to provide for the staff of the Office of the Auditor General;
(d) to provide for the auditing of accounts of central government, local government councils and administrative units, public organisations, private organisations and bodies;
(e) to establish an Audit Board to perform specified functions relating to the Office of the Auditor General;
(f) to empower and give the Auditor General a right of access to documents and information relevant to the performance of his or her functions; and
(g) for other related matters.

Other Attachments

The Audit Bill, 2007

Sponsored By Hon. Dr. Ezra Suruma (Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development)

Committee: The Committee on Finance, Planning and Economic Development



First Reading/Committee


Second Reading



Third Reading


Presentation/Waiting Assent



Assented by President


Bill passed on 01/01/1970

Bill Withdrawn on 01/01/1970

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Parliament of Uganda