Bill Progress

Object of the Bill

The object of this Bill is to amend the Civil Aviation Authority Act, Cap. 354 to provide for the designation of the Civil Aviation Authority as the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority, to designate the managing director as the director general, to empower the director general to take specific actions, to provide for the establishment of an independent accident and incident investigation unit and for other related matters.

Other Attachments

The Civil Aviation Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2017

Sponsored By Gen. Edward Katumba Wamala (Minister of Works and Transport)

Committee: The Committee on Physical Infrastructure



First Reading/Committee

Bill in its first stage because it has just been tabled in the floor of Parliament.


Second Reading

Bill being discussed for the second time in the floor of Parliament



Third Reading

Bill is Passed by Parliament


Presentation/Waiting Assent

Bill is waiting to be assented by the President



Assented by President

Bill is now an Act of Parliament because the President has assented to it.


Bill passed on 20/02/2019

Bill is now an Act of Parliament because the President has assented to it.

Bill Withdrawn on 01/01/1970

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Parliament of Uganda