Bill Progress

Object of the Bill

The object of this Bill is to amend the Parliamentary Pensions Act, 2007 to, 1. replace the requirement for a recommendation of the Uganda Medical Board with a recommendation from a medical practitioner approved by the Board, in cases where, (a) a member or pensioner seeks to use a proportion of their benefits for medical treatment, or (b) a member retires early on medical grounds, 2. increase the rate of contribution made by the members from fifteen percent to twenty percent, 3. exclude the application of the laws on succession to a member or pensioners death benefits, 4. repeal the application of the vesting scale in regard to the proportion contributed by Government towards a members benefit upon early retirement by the member, 5. make the Clerk to Parliament an ex-officio member of the Board with no right to vote, 6. provide for the appointment and functions of the Chief Operations Manager and other staff of the Scheme, 7. permit benefits of untraceable members to be deposited on the Reserve Account of the Scheme, 8. provide for the option of receiving a pension rather than a lump sum payment in cases where a mernber who is not eligible for pension elects to do so, 9. establish a post-retirement Medical Fund to which contributions are made and from which the costs of medical benefits for members during retirement will be met, 10.empower the Board of Trustees to determine and implement the investment policy of the Scheme, 11. enable the fomer Speaker or Deputy Speaker of Parliament who are alive to obtain the benefits provided under Part IVA of the Parliamentary Pensions Act, 2007, Act No. 6 of 2007, and 12. provide for dependents of a former Speaker or Deputy Speaker to acccss thc retirement benefits of the former Speaker or Deputy Speaker.

Other Attachments

1 CFI of the Parliamentary Pensions (Amendment) Bill, 2022.pdf
Title: Certificate of Financial Implication
Author: Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development
2 LPA3-22-Report on the Parliamentary Pensions (Amendment) Bill,2022.pdf
Title: Report on the Parliamentary Pensions (Amendment) Bill, 2022
Author: Parliamentary Committee on Legal and Parliamentary Affairs

Parliamentary Pensions (Amendment) Bill, 2022

Sponsored By Hon. Arinatwe Rwakajara (Minister of Works and Transport)

Committee: The Committee on Legal and Parliamentary Affairs



First Reading/Committee

Bill is still at First Reading, the first reading being the first stage of a Bill passage through the Floor of Parliament and is usually a formality, it takes place without debate, and the first reading of a Bill can occur anytime in a parliamentary session.


Second Reading

Bill is in the second stage. The second reading is the first opportunity for MPs to debate the main principles of the Bill. It usually takes place up to 45 days after the first reading.



Third Reading

Parliament is passing the Bill. The third reading is the final chance for the Members of Parliament to debate the contents of a Bill. Here debate on the Bill is usually short and limited to what is actually in the Bill rather than, as at the second reading, what might have been included.


Presentation/Waiting Assent

Waiting for Assent. Bill is waiting for the President to assent to it. When the Floor of Parliament has passed a Bill, it shall be presented to the President, and the President shall declare either that he assents to the Bill or that he withholds assent.



Assented by President

The Bill is now an Act of Parliament. When a Bill has completed all its parliamentary stages on the floor of Parliament, it must have President Assent before becoming an Act of Parliament (law). President Assent is the State agreement to make the Bill into an Act and it is a formality.


Bill passed on 08/02/2023

The Bill is now an Act of Parliament. When a Bill has completed all its parliamentary stages on the floor of Parliament, it must have President Assent before becoming an Act of Parliament (law). President Assent is the State agreement to make the Bill into an Act and it is a formality.

Bill Withdrawn on 01/01/1970

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Parliament of Uganda