Bill Progress

Object of the Bill

The object of this Bill is to amend the Income Tax Act, Cap. 340; to expand the definition of the retirement fund; to impose a tax on the disposal of non- business assets; to exempt income derived from or by private equity or venture capital fund, the manufacture of electric vehicle and electric vehicle charging equipment, operation of a specialised hospital facility; to replace reference to a branch with permanent establishment for purposes of international taxation; to provide for withholding tax on commission paid to a payment service provider; to amend the First Schedule to provide for African Reinsurance Corporation (Africa Re), lnternational Regulatory Board of the East African Power Pool and Islamic Cooperation for the Development of the Private Sector as listed institutions and for related matters

Other Attachments

1 FPED3-24-Report on the Income Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2024.pdf
Title: Report on the Income Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2024
Author: Parliamentary Committee on Finance, Planning and Economic Development.
2 Minority Report on the Income Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2024.pdf
Title: Minority Report on the Income Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2024
Author: Parliamentary Committee on Finance, Planning and Economic Development.

The Income Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2024.

Sponsored By Hon. Matia Kasaija (Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development)

Committee: The Committee on Finance, Planning and Economic Development



First Reading/Committee

Bill is still at First Reading, the first reading being the first stage of a Bill passage through the Floor of Parliament and is usually a formality, it takes place without debate, and the first reading of a Bill can occur anytime in a parliamentary session.


Second Reading

The bill is in the second stage. The second reading is the first opportunity for MPs to debate the main principles of the Bill. It usually takes place up to 45 days after the first reading. Once the second reading is complete, the Bill proceeds to the committee stage, where each clause (part) and any amendments (proposals for change) to the Bill may be debated.



Third Reading

Parliament has passed the Bill. The third reading is the final chance for the Members of Parliament to debate its contents. Here, the debate is usually short and limited to what is actually in the Bill rather than, as at the second reading, what might have been included.


Presentation/Waiting Assent



Assented by President


Bill passed on 01/01/1970

Bill Withdrawn on 01/01/1970

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Parliament of Uganda